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Explore PlebNames Integrations

Chrome Extension

PlebNames for Chrome and Chromium-based browsers

Brave Extension

PlebNames for Brave browser

Opera Extension

PlebNames for Opera browser.
Coming Soon!

Microsoft Edge Extension

PlebNames for Microsoft Edge. Coming Soon!

Firefox Extension

PlebNames for Firefox

Safari Extension

PlebNames for Safari.

Snort Nostr Client

PlebNames integration for Snort Nostr Client.
In Review!

Primal Nostr Clients

PlebNames integration for all Primal Nostr Clients. Work in progress.

Wallet Integration

PlebNames for Bitcoin wallets. Stay Tuned!

Other Applications

PlebNames for various other applications

The core Philosophy

Only normal Bitcoin explorers are required, no other server infrastructure or sidechain.

No Token, No pre-mine, No Regulation, No Company.
Pure Freedom.